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Cultura e transformação urbana

Title: This book was inspired in the International Seminar on Culture and Urban Transformation, curated by Ana Carla Fonseca and organised by SESC SP, on 22-23/11/11. It debates the impact of cultural festivals and facilities, the level of engagement and impact they may generate in the urban setting and the conditions that need to be created to promote this involvement. In other words, it depicts the processes behind visible products. The chapters cover eight of the most referential experiences in this field: Library-Parks in Medellín, SESC São Paulo, TOHU Montréal, Tate Modern, Guggenheim Bilbao, Nantes, Edinburgh Festivals and Paraty International Literary Festival. Also available in Portuguese.
Organization: Ana Carla Fonseca Reis
Edition: SESC/SP
Authors: Danilo Santos de Miranda, Ana Carla Fonseca Reis, Jorge Melguizo, Olivier Caro, Donald Hyslop, Roberto Gómez de la Iglesia, Stéphane Lavoie, Faith Liddell, Mauro Munhoz.
Year: 2012

Capa-Cultura-e-Transformacao-Urbana Capa-Culture-and-Urban-Transformation