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Arts from waters

Date: 03/01/2021
End Date: 09/02/2022
Local: Iguape (SP)
Organization: Instituto Laguz

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A project devoted to the recognition of the many treasures of Ribeira Vallley and to the creativity of its talents, benefitting from  wealth generation, economic diversification and biodiversity awareness.

Along 10 Saturdays, 20 inhabitants of Iguape, mainly from fishing communities, attending woodcarving workshops taught by the well-known local artist Fafá (Maria de Fátima Rosa). Wood was collected at cinematographic Praia do Leste (East Beach), nearby Ribeira river’s mouth. Doing justice to the environmental richness of the region, the collection of 20 works represent species of the marine ecosystem, classified extinct, rare or still abundant.

The local exhibition will take place at the first foundry house in the country, now a cultural center; the second exhibition will be featured at Palácio dos Bandeirantes, the headquarters of São Paulo State’s government. The whole collection was sold in an online auction, affording the purchase of radio web equipment, to be managed by Ribeira Valley’s youth.

The project was possible thanks to a bid from the Secretary of Cultura and Creative Economy to the State of São Paulo. It was designed and curated by Garimpo de Soluções and produced by RoCa Cultural (Rodolfo Corrêa and Carlos Jr.).