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Road Show on the Creative Economy and Entrepreneurship 2014

Produced by Garimpo de Soluções, sponsored by Sebrae

Organization: Garimpo de Soluções
End Date: 30/05/2014
Local: Joinville, Goiânia, Santos and Ilhéus

Objectives: To promote the creative entrepreneurship practice and put the concepts of creative economy and creative city in context. Structured in a series of conferences on the creative economy and creative cities, followed by a mapping exercise with the audience, aimed to make the creative economy tangible in the local setting and to promote new approaches to it as a development strategy. Co-coordinated by Prof. Leandro Valiati.

Structure: One-day event with two conferences of national experts and a mapping exercise with the audience.

J - Cartaz J - Abertura J - Cainha 2J - Cainha

J - LeandroJ - Ent. Cainha

J - Ent. Helga G - Cartaz  I - AberturaI - Capoeira I - Cartaz G - Leandro S - Abertura