Objectives: Estimule debates intertwining the many dimensions operating in the urban space: social, economic, cultural etc; foster discussions and showcase concrete examples of cities of different profiles that overcame decay; help reinforce the importanece of public space as city investment; identify common traits across experiences; underline the processes behind urban transformation; explore international experiences regarding successful and innovative masterplans.Structure: International seminar along two days, comprising four panels: “Urban Renaissance” (Karina Zapata/Bomba do Hemetério and Thorsten Heikamp/University de Dortmund), “Urbanities in Process” (Edson Diniz/Redes da Maré and Jorge Melguizo/Medellín), “Citizen Connections” (Wagner Rebehy/Music Factory of Paraisópolis and Aletta Koster/Dutch Cycling Embassy) and “Liquid Urbanities” (Luiz de Campos Jr. and José Roberto Bueno/Rios e Ruas and Bob Walters/Yonkers).