Objectives: To stimulate, expand the horizons and increment the knowledge of citizens regarding processes of impactful, innovative urban transformation. To cover the five driving axes of Sampa CriAtiva platform (social innovation, business, governance, dialogue, public space), exposing the links and complementarities across them. To enrich the understanding of the catalysers of these experiences, detailed in strategy, development, effects and learnings. To inspire urban managers of São Paulo and strengthen citizens’s commitment to the active transformation of their reality.Structure: International seminar along two days (evening, morning, afternoon), comprising three panels and nine experiences from eight countries, covering the five axes detailed above. The programme included La Juanita/Buenos Aires (Silvia Flores), A Gente Transforma/São Paulo (Marcelo Rosenbaum), Creative Medellín? (?Jorge Melguizo), Dublin City Beta (?Shane Waring), Lisbon Friendly City (Branca Neves), Plan Ceibal/Uruguay (Gonzalo Pérez Piaggio), Tumml accelerator/San Francisco (Clara Brenner), Dutch Cycling Embassy (Aletta Koster) and Creative Businesses/São Paulo (Facundo Guerra). The last hour of the seminar was dedicated to the presentation of six proposals formulated by citizens and published at www.sampacriativa.org.br, for comments of speakers and open debate, based on short videos of each proposal. Channel