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OpenCity Lab

Companies and entrepreneurs, together, for the innovation in business and cities

OpenCity Lab: Link

There’s an urge for innovation in cities. Just as in companies. A pioneering initiative in the global setting, OPENCITY LAB is a fast track to leverage innovation in business and cities. It connects companies to startups having positive urban impact, generating value for both sides.

Backed by GARIMPO DE SOLUÇÕES, an expert in the creative economy and cities; and REPENSE, an expert in brands; and by a sound board, OPENCITY LAB helps turn the untapped possibilities unleashed by startups into concrete innovation for business and cities – where 86% of Brazilian population already live.

The epicenter of this convergence is a portal, where partnering brands have access to hundreds of Brazilian (and in due course Latin American) startups mapped, filtered and viewed by a competent curatorial work. Its visible face is digital; its heart and mind are human. Once collaboration is key to change processes, OPENCITY LAB has strategic partnerships with incubators, acceleratores, funds and city halls who understand that cities are living labs. Because innovation is not only made – it’s lived.