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Territorial mapping of creative economic actives

During the first eight years of Garimpo de Soluções we designed a methodology for the mapping of creative singularities in cities and territories, which has been permanently perfected since. Implemented collaboratively, together with formal and informal leaders and citizens, the mapping offers a fundamental base to give due value to identity, self-esteem and belonging. Additionally, it allows the proposal, by Garimpo de Soluções, of products and services based on these singularities, expanding the opportunities for economic prosperity in the region.

So far the mapping has already been applied in 55 cities, in six Brazilian states.

The first application of the methodology took place in São Paulo State, in 2011, commissioned by the Secretary of Culture to the State of São Paulo. It encompassed 16 cities (São Paulo, Santos, Iguape, São José dos Campos, Sorocaba, Campinas, Limeira, São João da Boa Vista, São Carlos, Araraquara, Ribeirão Preto, São José do Rio Preto, Araçatuba, Presidente Prudente, Marília and Bauru).

In 2012 Paraná State requested our consultancy, coordinated by the Secretaries of Culture and of Tourism, in partnership with the Federation of Industries to the State of Paraná. The 11 cities then covered were Foz do Iguaçu, Francisco Beltrão, Toledo, Londrina, Cianorte, Paranavaí, Piraí do Sul, Guarapuava, Paranaguá, Araucária and Curitiba.

In 2012/2013 we applied our methodology, commissioned by SEBRAE Bahia, in the cities of Barreiras, Feira de Santana, Ilhéus, Jacobina, Juazeiro, Lençóis, Porto Seguro, Salvador, Santo Antônio de Jesus and Vitória da Conquista. Still in 2013 SEBRAE Tocantins requested the mapping for the cities of Arraias, Porto Nacional and Araguatins.

In 2015 we developed two parallel projects, for SEBRAE Minas Gerais (Diamantina, Ipatinga, Mariana, Juiz de Fora, Varginha, Uberlândia, Paracatu and Montes Claros) and SEBRAE Ceará (Aracati, Limoeiro do Norte, Juazeiro do Norte, Guaramiranga, Fortaleza, Quixadá and Sobral).